Domestic J. Terrorist: The Enemy From Within

terrorism: [ ter-uh-riz-uhm ] noun

the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism.

a terrorist method of governing or of resisting a government.

intimidation or coercion by instilling fear

I had a few essay ideas I was knocking around for this week, but I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that my brain is trying to distract itself from the fact that we inaugurated a complete maniac on Monday. Yet again. So, I thought I’d just write how I was feeling. Stream of consciousness style.

I wish I wasn’t scared for the future, but I am. And you know who else is scared? Millions upon Millions of people around the world. I say that without one ounce of hyperbole. Think about that for just a goddamn second. Millions of Americans are scared of their own president. Terrified in their own homes about what his next move will be. That, my friends, is the definition of a terrorist. 

Immigrants are scared. The LGBTQA community is scared. Men, women and children with even a morsel of empathy or intuition are scared. And this orange putz loves every second of it. I hate that these are scary times for everyone. I hate that a group of  billionaires with personality disorders run the world. I want to put my head in the sand but I also want to call out the bullshit when I see it. 

This orange terrorist is taking life off of our years with the stress he induces. And he’s taking any peace out of whatever life we have left. The only people enjoying this are Billionaires and Hillbillies. 

It’s really remarkable and yet— no words can truly encapsulate the feeling of what he has done to this country and to this world. Just on emotions alone it’s unbelievable. Who, in modern times, has generated such polarizing passion of worship and hatred? I hate to give him that credit, but it’s undisputable. 

To think— just a few short years ago he was the host of a reality game show. It never gets easier to wrap your brain around, yet, if you remove yourself from it— it’s the most beautifully epic Shakespearian comedy ever told, which no doubt will end in tragedy for the world. We have a legitimate domestic terrorist as president. Shame on every last one of you who voted for him.

I’m gonna go take an edible and watch Shrek 2. Try to bury my head in the sand for an ounce of peace. I was miserable the majority of my life and just when I started to enjoy myself this 78 year old fuckwad came back into our lives. 

Let the apocalypse party begin.

XOXO, Geno 


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